This blog serves the purpose of my diary, or a place where I try to revive my writing ability, or a forum where I try to unleash my love for creativity or structure, whatever my mood is.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

My Plans

For 2 years, I haven't had a hobby.

These are the reasons (you are free to read excuses) that I have stated:

Jan '07 - May '07: I am busy with CAT and BA Finals.
June '07 - Aug '07: How can I spare time for anything when I return from the office at 7! ?
Sep '07 - Jan '09: How can I spare time for anything when I return from the office at 10! ?

Now that I am going to move to Gurgaon and save on a lot of travel time, these are a few things that I plan to do:

1. Read at least one book each month. I want to start with 'The Aurgumentative Indian.'

2. Write 2 blog posts a month.

3. Make cards, gift boxes etc.

4. Go to the gym 5 times a week. I am free to replace gymming with a 40 min evening/morning walk.

5. Try my hand at cooking. (My mom is going to be ecstatic when she reads it)

Will write aother post after 3 months to gauge my performance on these targets.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Is that a happy place?

It's amazing how some people have a strong shell of self admiration around them. A shell that is indestructible.

What they wear becomes the most stylish outfit ever. What they write are the funniest black marks on white paper. Looking down on others, smiling selectively, and showing off, are some of their best practices. There are quite a few people belonging to this category. So they easily find each other and end up forming a Self and Mutual Admiration Society.

What the members of this socienty don't realize is that they shock (with their shallowness) and annoy (with their so called attitude) the saner souls that have a functioning brain. But this post is not about how flawed and insecure the Self and Mutual Admiration Society is, but to question if it is good to be a member of this group?

At the end of it all, what one wants is to be happy. If these people are blissfully happy in their ignorance, then is it not a good place to be?

I won't deny that whenever I come across someone like them, bitterness and acrimony overcome me. I want to break their shell into a thousand pieces and show them reality. But on second thoughts, shouldn't I let a happy person be?

I am sure 3 people will read this post. What are your thoughts?