This blog serves the purpose of my diary, or a place where I try to revive my writing ability, or a forum where I try to unleash my love for creativity or structure, whatever my mood is.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Extracting the Sweet Tooth

I wrote this post on January 2011 but never published it, probably because I never finished it. There is no Plan B:

I plan to reduce my sugar intake to one teaspoon a day, primarily to lose weight. I have done that successfully in the past and managed to lose several kilos. Off late, I have been giving in to the temptation of having cakes, halwas, pinnis, chocolates, candies, and pretty much everything under the sun that is made of sugar - blame my work place and winters!

Here is my plan of action to reduce my sugar intake:

Plan A: Consume one spoon of sugar in the morning tea.

This will ensure I do not have a workaround of having sugary biscuits with sugarless tea later.
If I get a sugar craving then I will opt for sugar-free Orbit chewing gum.

- If I have not had sugar in the morning, then finish one piece of chocolate in about 5 bites. This will ensure I spend a lot of time eating chocolate but don't eat a lot of it.

Well, 5 years and a lot of weight ups and downs later, the sweet tooth remains rooted firmly in my mouth. I am nine months post partum so technically I am still in the safe 'just had a baby zone' but I know for sure can't blame the baby anymore for the extra kilos. It's all ice cream. Right now I am really motivated to go back to this one teaspoon sugar plan but I am leaving for this India this weekend and cannot not eat when at home, right? But I really want to lose this extra weight. Argh.

So most likely I will come back 5 lbs heavier. I already have 10 lbs to shed. That takes the total to 15 lbs to be lost immediately. Argh again.

So I take a pledge to go to my 1 teaspoon sugar diet on Dec 17, 2015. Exceptions will be made on Christmas, and New Year. No deviations whatsoever. I have done this before, can do this again.

I am Alive

The last time I posted on this blog, I was battling swine flu and wondering if I will be able to make it for my trip to Thailand. Well, everything worked out well. The Swine Flu week was one of the best times of my life. Stayed at home with my husband for an entire week, saw a hundred movies, ordered in food, and enjoyed a perfect Staycation.

I didn't post for a long time because a couple of comments on my previous post asked me if I was alright. I thought it was hilarious if people came to the blog, saw no new updates, and wondered if I were alive. I know not funny, but so funny, right?

I am alive and doing well and a lot has happened in the last five years. I have moved cities and countries, bought a house, and have an adorable baby girl to boast about.

Why have I decided to come back? Well I found my first 15 minutes in the last ten months when I have absolutely nothing to do. Nothing in my to do list and that feels weird...unnatural almost. So I decided to make these few minutes productive and wrote this post.

I will try and write more often. The joy of coming back every now and then and reminisce about what was going on my mind is priceless.

See you again.