This blog serves the purpose of my diary, or a place where I try to revive my writing ability, or a forum where I try to unleash my love for creativity or structure, whatever my mood is.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Extracting the Sweet Tooth

I wrote this post on January 2011 but never published it, probably because I never finished it. There is no Plan B:

I plan to reduce my sugar intake to one teaspoon a day, primarily to lose weight. I have done that successfully in the past and managed to lose several kilos. Off late, I have been giving in to the temptation of having cakes, halwas, pinnis, chocolates, candies, and pretty much everything under the sun that is made of sugar - blame my work place and winters!

Here is my plan of action to reduce my sugar intake:

Plan A: Consume one spoon of sugar in the morning tea.

This will ensure I do not have a workaround of having sugary biscuits with sugarless tea later.
If I get a sugar craving then I will opt for sugar-free Orbit chewing gum.

- If I have not had sugar in the morning, then finish one piece of chocolate in about 5 bites. This will ensure I spend a lot of time eating chocolate but don't eat a lot of it.

Well, 5 years and a lot of weight ups and downs later, the sweet tooth remains rooted firmly in my mouth. I am nine months post partum so technically I am still in the safe 'just had a baby zone' but I know for sure can't blame the baby anymore for the extra kilos. It's all ice cream. Right now I am really motivated to go back to this one teaspoon sugar plan but I am leaving for this India this weekend and cannot not eat when at home, right? But I really want to lose this extra weight. Argh.

So most likely I will come back 5 lbs heavier. I already have 10 lbs to shed. That takes the total to 15 lbs to be lost immediately. Argh again.

So I take a pledge to go to my 1 teaspoon sugar diet on Dec 17, 2015. Exceptions will be made on Christmas, and New Year. No deviations whatsoever. I have done this before, can do this again.

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